A classic audience sitcom with a surreal twist, WakS! is where a 70s detective show meets CHEERS, or THE OFFICE meets BROOKLYN 99 - a raucous and farcical sitcom that believes in everyone's better future in the so-called Land of the Free.

You don’t have to answer in metaphors, I’m your lawyer, that’s my job!

WakS is the worst immigration lawyer in the Big City who somehow always gets the job done. Like a drunk Columbo with a debt problem and a heart of gold, he never stops rescuing those who perhaps don't need rescuing - and occasionally, those who do.

From his run down office in the heart of the East Village, WakS and his team of legal oddballs - Ms Moon, his long suffering paralegal, and office dogsbody Wayne, a polyglot out of work actor with a sideline in donuts and casual sex - come together each and every day to fight the good fight on behalf of the disappearing American Dream.

With a cast of regular characters that include Shoshi & Divine, the ambitious and unbearable hipsters who live upstairs, Officer Chad Chad, the idiotic yet sensitive JFK Immigration nemesis to WakS, Serge the sleazy french dive bar owner, Marnie Swann, WakS' long suffering off-on-mostly-off girlfriend, and finally Charles, a newly arrived Liberian immigrant seeing America for what it is

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